Current IFMA Members

We welcome new members! There are 2 types of membership: as a farmers market and as an associate. Annual dues are only $30 and include the following benefits:

  • Annual membership to the Farmers Market Coalition and all of its resources!
  • Annual opportunity to order free Farm Bureau market bags on a per market basis
  • Discounted market insurance offer through Farm Bureau
  • Free phone consultation for markets seeking advice: contact Bob Shepherd for information
  • Networking and support: contact a board member or fellow IFMA member
  • Promotion of your market or business on the IFMA website and Facebook page
  • Eligible to vote at annual meeting


IFMA was organized in 2002 by farmers market managers from across Iowa. Our objectives include educating the public about the many benefits of locally-grown, fresh food; promoting farmers markets and continuing education for market managers and vendors. IFMA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Current Board Members

President - Josh Dansdill - Northeast Iowa RC&D, Postville, 
Vice President - Kevin Umphress - Pleasant Hill Community Farmers Market,
Treasurer - Lojean Petersen, Ames Main Street Farmers Market,
Secretary - Kristin Eggen - Decorah Farmers' Market,
Bob Shepherd- Washington Farmers Market,
Jake Hawkins - Sioux City Farmer's Market,
​Julie Madden - Akron Farmers Market,
KC Cupp - Buttercup Candles,
Scott DeVries - Prarie City Farmers Market,

About Us